Lodge elections are on the 27th of February; the stream starts at 6:40 PM (est), and the event will start at 7:00 PM (est). You can find the stream on our YouTube channel or the direct link here or at this website where we will have a post that has the stream in it going live around when the stream starts; while you are there, subscribe to be notified of future events and uploads of the recordings of events and other segments of events like the Identity or the Patch Reveals video all on their own. If you are interested in running for a position, you can find the positions under the website’s leadership tab. To be nominated, send you Area(legacy lodge) chief an email detailing which position you would like to run for. The sooner you get your email sent, the better as this event is virtual and takes some planning to do. We are going to be revealing the new patch for our lodge at this event as well, so tune in to see that. Another reminder that voting for the patch ends tonight at midnight. If you need to vote still, here is the link.
When will the new lodge flaps be available to purchase? Will they only be available at Lodge events?
As of right now they will only be on sale at all lodge events but they should be online around May 14th at michiganscoutting.org ‘s online shop