This also includes reactivating members from any of Mishigami Lodge’s predecessor lodges who were last active members prior to 2012. If you were last active in Mishigami Lodge or one of its predecessor lodges more recently than 2012, you can reactivate simply by paying your dues.
Thanks for your interest in Mishigami Lodge!
To join the lodge, you must already be a member of a Scouting unit or district within Michigan Crossroads Council, or a member or employee of Michigan Crossroads Council. If you haven’t registered with a local unit, district, or council, yet, please do that first, then come back here once you get your new member ID.
The information requested below is needed to get you registered with our lodge. Once you submit this form, we will verify your BSA Membership and request your records from your previous lodge. We will then email you a link to pay your initial dues to Mishigami Lodge and get you in contact with your local chapter so you can get involved.