Adult Nomination Info

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The chart below lists how many adult nominations each unit is allowed to submit this year along with how many have actually been submitted. The unit leader and committee chair for each unit should have received an email with a link to submit adult nominations after your election report was submitted. If you have not received your link, please contact your chapter chief or

Our election year runs from November 1 to October 31. Adult nominations for the election year are due by May 31.

Unit Adult Nomination Eligibility

If your unit is not listed here, it means either you did not hold an election or we have not yet received your election report as of 2025-01-29. Green Adults Remaining column means you can still nominate more adults!

Chapter: C3 - Nising Ojibway
UnitYouth ElectedAdults Slots AvailableAdults NominatedAdults Remaining
Troop 366-GT (Saginaw) 2 2 0 2
Chapter Totals: 2 2 0 2
Chapter: E4 - Chippewa
UnitYouth ElectedAdults Slots AvailableAdults NominatedAdults Remaining
Troop 156-BT (Washington) 2 2 0 2
Troop 360-BT (Rochester Hills) 3 2 0 2
Chapter Totals: 5 4 0 4
Youth ElectedAdults Slots AvailableAdults NominatedAdults Remaining
Lodge Totals: 7 6 0 6

Data last updated: 2025-01-29

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